
An Opportunity

X Damien Rice - The Blower's Daughter

im suffering insomnia. in fact, im forcing myself to suffer from insomnia; just to be able to complete my coursework art pieces[all 10 of it] so that i am able to present them to a panel of 4 judges from NYP.

NYP? yes i was called up two days ago while having dinner/supper at Fish and Co. until this fella rung me up[at 9 nearing 10pm]. firstly, i was ridiculed because which school actually calls you up at 10pm at night telling you to sit in for a DAE[Design Admission Exercise] interview two days later?

so anyway, the whole day on the 7th, i cooped myself in the room to complete 10 pieces of art pieces, hoping to be able to impress the judges. everything feels so impromptu. and i don't really enjoy seeing myself[especially doing art] at the 11th hour. its just very unprofessional of me.

im very drained, my eyes were building up eyebags and my back hurts to the core. its just half and hour to the interview [1.50pm, 8th February, Thursday]and im still rushing my art pieces. urgh! i want and hope to be the most impressionable one, so i created this 'American Idol' parody. with a 'number tag' that says 'I have the SUBSTANCE' and another at my back saying 'I AM that SUBSTANCE'. ha, we'll see what they'd say.

apparently, i flew down to NYP in a cab[sorry ave for not waiting] and was late by a few minutes. my heart skipped a beat as i saw the interviewing room. it seems like there are exactly 4 judges like what is stated in my e-letter surrounding the interviewee. okay, not a good sign.

i went around finding the waiting room and i realised that the waiting room is just parallel to the interviewing room. gee what a dumbass! and so i went in which created some kinda attention. because i was the loudest dresser and the loudest too. haha

made a few friends and seriously, their portfolio is so professional and shocking that i was so ashamed to actually show them mine. their pieces were fabulous and flawless. i felt like an idiot now.

and now i wil always understand why the waiting room is called a waiting room. because i waited for exaclty almost an hour or so until its my turn. ...

i entered the interviewing room with confidence and did my best in answering my questions, hoping that i would have impressed the judging panel and to be selected into Visual Communication. hopefully. however, if i am not selected, i will not be depressed whatsoever, because deep down inside i knew that i had done my best to impress. and ive made two friends that day! ive got nothing to lose.

the most rewarding thing ive got for the day : night photography with yani!

it was really fun snapping weird shots at arab street, i tell you. the photos are still over at yani's. will ask her to send me the entire file over so i'll just have to post it another day. well meanwhile now its time for bed. super duper exhausted.
signing off!

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