
Dinner with My Family

guess who!

zomg you caught me! damn.

okay i'll try not to laugh

but you're just so not funny

hey stop that!

ugh i really mean it...

buzz off bugger!

okay i really hate the paparazzi.

want a piece of me?

haha its really funny to even think of such lousy lines when i don't really know how to describe those snapshots. so i made up with those and if you think it isn't funny i apologize because i know it isn't funny but i tried making it look funny and i failed miserably for trying to be funny when im not even funny to begin with.

but the whole issue isn't with the wanton fillings or my sister who is the ultimate camera shy person ever.

i made dinner for my whole family. a really good feeling. my stomach felt warm. my dishes, needless to say was scrumptious and appetizing; i mean, it's really not bad and at least they enjoyed my dishes wholeheartedly though they're the smallest eaters ive known. however i knew they had their fill and were happy too, which made me felt that love is still around even if im alone.

so i tried a song or two on my piano and it was aw....e...fully played and still had the cheek to say that im just nervous which was partially true but seriously it was all bullshit. i was sneezing so badly my nose almost fell off i swear and my family were surprised that i could actually sneeze THAT loud. yada yada yada

great day.

fries and chicken nuggests :)

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