
I Want 2007 To Be A...

X Panic! At The Disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies

it is an astonishment that i have made it till now. because i know of some people who didnt. these 18 years have been sun rising from the west to the east, colourful-rainbow-like, water rushing down the gutters, tsunasarschickenwar, if you know what i mean.

18 years of breathing in dirt and the almost-fresh air in this most-of-the-time-sunny(maybe not) island. witnessing the most incredulous things happening around the world and the omgwtfbbq politics going on around in singapore; quite a blast, i must say.

out of 18 years, i spent 4 years figuring out my ABCs and123s, 6 years to figure out what education is, and another 4 years to finally realise that education in singapore actually ruined me. the other 2 years are actually for me to reflect what ive said in the previous sentence. in most situations, good things come naturally if you 1. are born rich or a genius 2. work your ass off unless you are suey. then ha, sorry it aint my problem so please stop staring at this sentence this way.

i ruined my own future. ALMOST ruined it. but i will get it back, with both of my hands and my ass duh! good things in singapore never come easy. thus, we should strive hard to earn what we deserve.

i would want 2007 be a better year; me being a better person; achieving with even better results. note : BETTER

with this i wish everyone a smashing 2007. peace

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