
Old School Cartoon

being 20 years old, i can't say i watch many cartoons anymore, save the Simpsons and Family Guy, but i was bored to tears so i figured i'd see what passes for weekday morning entertainment these days.

omg what dissapointment! the majority of cartoons on television these days are so utterly simple, uninteresting and have terrible storylines!

i recalled back in the day when i was a kid, cartoons shown every afternoon on channel12 were pure joy for me. because 90% or more of the cartoons and kids shows that were available to be watched! not only did these cartoons entertain me, they also taught me important lessons. (lol this makes it sound like my parents did a terrible job and i was raised by the tv, however that wasnt the case la)

for instance, who can forget learning about the environment on Captain Planet. but the thing was, the show was so well-written, kids didn't realize it was a blatant ploy to expose environmental issues because all that mattered was that Captain Planet beat down poachers, polluters and all other environmental villains of the sort.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT for short) was another cartoon which i tune in without fail daily! they have the best kung fu master, the coolest moves and the cheesiest pizzas ever. also, they came up with a movie recently and it was awesome!

are you ready for pepperoni pizza?!

however i think Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was stupid. i guess the very first few seasons were the best. and i clearly remembered i liked the red ranger, Jason who was the leader of the pack. i like the pink ranger Kimberly too, because the red ranger likes her. what really made me sit down and watch the show was how they transformed into huge robot liked dinosaur by just a toss of their superhero coin. haha now you know what i mean? and they all formed and morphed into a super huge figurine (like transformers, just that they're individuals who join forces into one). like the cliche says, the hero saves the day.

the original rangers

did i mention Captain Planet has the coolest theme song too?! i can vividly remember the tune! and i think it goes like this..
Wind! Water! Fire! Earth!

Captain Planet! He's the Hero!
......down to zero!

and thats practically about it haha! pathetic, isnt it! but i got the song and if you would like to download it, here is! [right click, save link as]

enjoy the great song! im lovin' it too haha! nothing beats Captain Planet, really! and if you have heard of the brand Local Celebrity you'd like to check out their collection of Captain Planet tees! they also sell other awesome tees! do check it out! :)

for him and her

why, so the moral of the day is practically to let parents know that most cartoons these days are plain bullshit. and it would be really really nice if the tv station does broadcast Captain Planet and other old school educational cartoons. kids these days need that, seriously.

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