
My Cousin & His Bride

11October2006 is A Walk To Remember

my sis had just ended her last papers. if she didnt attend that paper, we would have witnessed the whole process..from the car to the house to the room..to the hotel room to many other places. dont get me wrong (thats if you are really not thinking the right way), what i meant was the wedding of my cousin kun and his beloved and really sweet wife, petrina.

ripped from the wedding album. i love this picture a lot.

i shall not tell you how they met and such cos its gonna be really whiny and naggy. anyway im just glad he found a good wife.

what im going to focus on is the wedding dinner they hosted. it was fffffaaabbbulous i tell you. with the cocktail party followed by the traditional wedding banquet which was delayed till 9pm (*rubs her tummy* - was really hungry). it was held in swisshotel with the granduer ambience of their very own ballroom.

picture this : 40 (or was it 50?) tables of guests, an aisle, plentiful of roses, all surround sound system, good food and pretty wedding souveniers. they played flash clips of the couple's love story and used one of the most cheesiest music tracks ever (Eyes On Me by Faye Wong, just in case if you are wondering).

despite the torture of that cheesy music that hurt my ears badly, i almost teared. for a moment i thought : time flies, no shit. and im growing older ever single minute. maybe, the next moment, *jason is going to announce his marriage with *onn! (*my cousin & his thai girlfrind) and that terrifies me a lot. just simply because time DOES fly. and for that moment it went on and on in my mind : my deareset putri yeong...what's next?" (putri is the malay translation of princess)

what's next?
time for some planning to be done.

okay, digression. now back to the banquet. my cousin and my aunt flew all the way from london just to attend this wedding! how sweet! also, whats so cool was that my aunt brought her bestie girlfriend, anges. she's the only black in the whole banquet. see the contrast! x: she's cool and real hott. she does not go, "yo yo whats up ma ladeh!" neither does she wear blingblings. she's english just like my aunt bahia and cousin, sarah (: we had many face2face kisses and cuddly hugs! its so europe! ahhaa

thats aunt Bahia, her girl Anges, me and my cousin, Sarah.

whatever that is, that day was really A Walk to Remember. loved it.

love is like wind, you cant see it but you can feel it.

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