
A Childish Post

X Silverstein - My Heroine

at point of time, i really admire people who have supportive parents. i wished my dad can be one of them.

many times ive needed him to give me that support and encouragement i need,be it emotional or mentally, it seems like to me that will never happen. this 'you-are-hopeless' statement started after the death of my mom..still going on after 7 years. am i really that hopeless? am i really wasted? how can life be so unfair for me?

for once in my life i finally found what i really want to do in future and there he steps into the picture and spilled acid all over my beautiful piece of art; i am trying so hard, so hard.

onitsuka tiger came out with a 'DESIGN YOUR TIGER!' sneaker customization contest and the prizes are worth a catch. all i have to do is :

  1. purchase a pair of Pure White Mexico 66™ at S$149 and
  2. whats cool - FULL REFUND after submission of entries.
  3. sit, shake legs and wait for the results. if buang, too bad. if you win, good for you.

like, how cool is that? i asked my dad to give me 150$ for the 'investment' and i suggested to him that it is worth a try; we'll be able to get back the money anyway, and the risks are not high, so why not?

i have 2 pros to this.

  1. i am able to build a better portfolio for my designs when its time to get into a poly
  2. if i win, i get the money PLUS its a good learning experience; at least ive tried you see.
my dad said NO, fucking straight to my face. i swear my tears were on the tip of my eyes ready to roll down my cheeks. it was really depressing and definitely, NOT encouraging. all i want is a chance. A FUCKING CHANCE.

i'll do it anyway, i mean this competition. it mean the world to me and i really hope i have the talents and grit to win this.

to live in a world where hands are there anytime to reach out for me.

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