
Who Are You Calling A Whore?

do you feel disgusted when you know your neighbour is a prostitute? or do you feel ashamed someone you know turned to prostitution?

initially, whenever i watch typical movies or tv dramas, my immediate reaction to seeing a prostitute selling her/his body to people who are desperate for sex made me felt ashamed and revolted. you can earn money by other means! but not by prostitution! i believe most of us will agree. however, if you guys are aware, prostitution is one of the fastest money earning route for someone who needs money badly or someone who has nobody to rely on in their lives? note that this is not an encouragement to anyone to turn into prostitution.

take for an example, the maths prodigy Sufiah Yusof from Malaysia who turned into prostitution. yes, she did sold her body for £130 an hour and told the posing punter that she did full sex with a condom and oral sex without protection. but do you really think she likes it that way? why? i believe every thing is possible. i won't be surprised if a prodigy is selling his/her body for a mere 200bucks an hour; isn't that what's prostitution all about?

prostitute in Oxford dictionary means : person who offers sexual intercourse for payment.

Sufiah Yusof: what lies behind my smile?

that's what the maths prodigy did. she offered sex for money to feed herself and to keep herself alive. isn't that what everyone is doing? earning money to keep themselves alive? yes i think it's really wasted for a maths prodigy to turn into prostitution but has anyone thought of her life and what she had been through? do we know her well enough to disgrace her?

in the past, Sufiah's dad Farooq forced her to perform stretching and breathing exercises in freezing rooms to keep her brain attentive. the poor girl studied like hell, then being forced to play tennis with just as much intensity as fanatical Farooq drove her on. the routine was so effective Sufiah was seeded number eight in the country for under 21s. she was successful, and won herself a place in Oxford.

her family is screwed. her family failed to attend her wedding. she got divorced. Farooq had been jailed for three years in a £1.5m mortgage swindle. also, he had been sent to borstal for his role in a conspiracy involving £100,000. now, he was known to have sexually assaulted two 15-year-old girls as he home-tutored them in maths. Sufiah showed no sign of sadness when Farooq was put to jail clearly showed how much her dislike for him.

with such physical and emotional torment, which child is able to breeze through such stress in life? nobody is perfect, unless you're born with brains and bodies of superman or superwoman then fine, i shall stop.

i believe nobody in the world is born to become a prostitute, however are nurtured or forced to become one. how can we call them cheap? or sluts? when all they did was to do their job and earn their money? at least they don't go around killing people for money, isn't it?

note: porn stars and prostitution might be similiar, but a porn star is more to entertainment and showing it to the entire world rather than receiving it as a per client based. prostitutes might not like what they're doing to their bodies, however, most porn stars did it for the screen but who knows they have their own story to tell too.

so stop all the stereotyping of prostitutes when you don't even know their side of their story! everybody wants to be loved and lead a happy and fulfilling life, and i believe prostitutes are human too.

so give them a break and have yourself a kit-kat.


Falcon said...

she's happy..should leave her alone..It's a journey for her to go through to find out wat she wants in life..

scoobz said...

I agree.. She has her own reasons and everyone should just respect her decisions instead of simply judging her.

Anonymous said...

I agree!If she had went on the road that people wanted her to go,she would have ended up being miserable all her life.It's a waste of talent,yes.But what's fame when you can live happily?

Anonymous said...

go to hyusof.com for more info bout sufiah's family...blog written by sufiah's family member and not by the media

C said...

@falcon,scoobz & evolna: :) thank you guess life's all about being happy. haha