
The Hills Are Alive...

with the sound of music...

as we all know music was discovered way long before anyone was born and apparently, instead of the conventional speaking and other forms of modern communication, music in the past was actually a form of communication.

as time passes by, people realised that music has more to than what meets the eye. music is a form of auditory arts! entertainment, in short. as they learn to speak to communicate, men created instruments to form more variety of sounds and music pieces and thus this has never stopped even now!

music has became part of my life since i was 2 years old. my mom sent me for piano lessons at Yohan's Yamaha (the current Plaza Singapura) and i gave up when i was 5 because there were examinations and i freaked out. it was such pity because i picked up so well and could actually continue doing music! guess this was one of those things in life that i have regretted terribly.

anyway, my passion for music is still strong so i'm currently self learning and discovering! :)

i can name you a book of musical instruments, however i'd only touch a few instruments that never fail to amaze me.

first off, i would like to introduce Tenori-On. (similar to Monome)

collaborated by media artists Toshio Iwai and Yamaha, Tenori-On is a new, unique 16 x 16 LED button matrix performance instrument with a stunning visual display. it allows everyone to play music intuitively, creating a "visible music" interface. (click here to know more)

when i first saw this i went, omg did they really create such an instrument? how cute.

then there was the funky ReacTable which musicians like Björk used in her gigs. (click here to know more)

brings smiles all over my face v_v

so following next is this amazing instrument that is shaped like a frying wok or UFO. ladies and gents may i present you the Hang. (click her to know more)

cool, isn't it?! like a wok lookalike can make thousands of different sounds. lol

the comes the Cajón, which i think is also really stunning. (click here to know more)

by slapping the front face of the thin plywood to create awesome music? go figure!

last but not least, this is my ultimate favourite! this super cool instrument called the Theremin. (click to know more) using bare hands by just simply moving them to create music? lovely!

if i'm rich i'd have gotten one instantly. like, c'mon! it's so unique! in fact, it was the first musical instrument designed to be played without being touched. awesome-ness!

basically these are my ultimate favourites. if you've got any cool musical instruments to share, i say please! share them! :D

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