
The Way We Speak English Sounds Weird?

i came across this article about how we Singaporeans can't speak proper English language for nuts. when i found out the people who had been criticizing this flaw that a handful of Singaporeans have, i sniggered away. like, hello! they can't speak proper English language for nuts too? the pot calling the kettle black? *clears my throat*

i have to agree that a number of Singaporeans have problems speaking clearly to just a certain extent. perhaps speaking in one or more languages or dialects just makes pronunciation sounds incomprehensible. so whenever we speak, some words doesn't sound like what it's supposed to be. oh wait, we speak Singlish too! so don't expect us to be perfect! Singapore also made attempts to promote good language speaking; the Speak Good English Movement was launched to help speaking better English! BESIDES, every individual country have their own unique way of speaking the English language, so i don't see why such criticisms should be made.

let me just cite an example:

Americans speaking English sounds totally different as compared to the English people.

if you're unable to agree with the above statement, then really, i wonder whose ears are working.

anyway, this discussion will end just right here. don't wanna cause any unnecessary trouble v_v


Copykate said...

singlish, manglish, whatever it is, every individual from different community surely has his own unique way of speaking. no one can judge us based on the way we speak. after all there's no certain answer regarding "perfect english". if we say the american english is perfect english, how about the british??? yea.

Anonymous said...

Isn't is correct? That poor chap is only writing with reference to his community's standard. So, if his community can't understand spore english, it also means that s'poreans can't speak proper english. But this isn't necessarily true. Its only rue for that guys circle of people.

C said...

@copykate & 3point8
