
Sex & Aids

note: pictures shown in this entry are revolting.

it happens every single minute, hour...even seconds. many people enjoy it. doing it with careful planning might create the most beautiful thing on earth. some just happens unexpectedly! and you know what i'm trying to say.


you know sex is just like money; something you can't live without in life. apparently many people think so too! that's why there's
  • shotgun marriages ending up with horrible divorces
  • pregnant teens who don't even know why their period is late
  • increasing number of abandoned babies
  • abortion/murder rates shooting up by the minute
  • more porn stars appearing online thus generates millions of site traffic and earning porn money
  • ingenious great inventions of sex toys, dolls or killer machines
  • random old men dying at some red light district
  • viagra sales are just getting better and better
  • more pervs lurking (won't be surprised if the number of sexual assaults increase too)
  • people finding a reason like: i've a really bad cramp in my stomach, can i be excused today? just because they had so much fun and were shagged like hell or they just want more but reluctant to head back for boring work.
  • ...and the worst, most hardcore case scenario is AIDS
y'know, AIDS is one of the worst things to die of not because it's shameful, but it brings a lot of pain (literal) to you, not forgetting the pain you bring to your family and friends. all you can feel is PAIN, which i personally think is something not worth dying for.

AIDS, like ABC is easy to spell and also, easily contractable. there are people who think, "No...AIDS only happens to those who are stupid and unlucky! Always remember, protection, protection, protection." well let me tell you one thing i know about protection. condoms aka protection is only one of the many preventions of AIDS contraction. do not forget that
"HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.[2][3] This transmission can come in the form of anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding, or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids."
- Wikipedia.org
well, obviously teenagers and adults these days know bananas about unprotected sex and how scary it's like to be a HIV patient.

This is AIDS

This is AIDS

This is AIDS

i used to work in the hospital and i've heard a lot about AIDS patient with major pus-filled skin, worst kind of dermal problems you can never imagine of and even bleeding eyes! moreover, that wasn't served as a joke but something to ponder about.

if you love sex and you love changing partners, i strongly advise you to go for monthly check ups and take all kinds of precaution when having an intercourse. when you choose a sex partner, please make sure he/she is clean! besides the conventional sex, whatever sex acts you're gonna do on bed with a partner (whether you're straight, bi or gay), just think twice or you might your life!

and if you're barely legal to even do anything, just take this entry as a lesson and absorb whatever you can. if you still don't understand, wiki or google for AIDS and you'd find a whole list of information.

if you have AIDS, you're just counting the days away.
if you don't, please, Play Safe.

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