
American Idol Season 7 Top 3 Review

tonight, the contestants will perform three songs choices which consisted of the judges’, the contestants’ themselves and the producers’.

apparently the judges and producers definitely know how to choose the appropriate songs, leaving the contestants completely clueless about song choices, which eventually didn't turn out what i expected it to be...i'll explain that in a later bit.

it was down to the top 3, and who's gonna pimp the night? Hint: one of the David(s)

David Archuleta was the first, he sang:
  1. Paula Abdul's choice: “And So It Goes“
  2. David’s choice: “With You“
  3. Producers’ choice: “Longer“
it was expected for David to be singing ballads, AGAIN...i mean can you imagine David Archuleta's brand new album with 90% consisting of ballads? kill me! in a whole, David did okay in the first round, tried too hard in the next and put me to sleep on the third. if you did notice every single line in David's "With You", he almost forgot his lyrics! but he scraped through anyways. David Archuleta might have the strongest and most beautiful vocals you have heard in Idol history but he proved us tonight that he isn't versatile enough to carry out a R&B song.

Syesha Mercado's songs are:
  1. Randy Jackson's choice: “If I Ain’t Got You”
  2. Syesha’s choice: “Fever“
  3. Producers’ choice: “Hit Me Up”
Syesha started with Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You" and it was no surprise she hit her notes and did a great job! then, she did rhythm and blues with the song "Fever" by Peggy Lee which i thought was sexy but cabaret. Syesha's last song was utterly dreadful! that Happy Feet song "Hit Me Up"? more like "Kill Me Please"! nonetheless, Syesha demonstrated proficiency in three completely different genres that awe struck me.

Pimped all the way was David Cook! he performed:
  1. Simon Cowell’s choice: “First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”
  2. David’s choice: “Dare You To Move”
  3. Producers’ choice: “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing”
it was rumoured whoever that sings Simon's choice wins the competition. anyhows, David Cook did an okay rendition of "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", it wasn't impactful but nevertheless it's good. when it was announced that David is going to sing "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot, my ears sprung and my eyes widened (no exaggeration) because that's one of my favourite songs ever! it sounded average (i thought i'd love it but it turns out to be...v_v) and apparently, wasn't the judges favourite. David closed the show with Aerosmith's "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" and it was awesome! i loved the arrangement where the violinists started playing with David scoring the best performance of the night.

IMHO, the best of each round:
  • Round 1: David Archuleta
  • Round 2: Syecha Mercado
  • Round 3: David Cook
it might look even, but the results are pretty obvious.

who's going home tomorrow? i guess we all know who. anyways, it was a fairly lackluster show that will likely make the American Idol final two look exactly like the final two we've been expecting for weeks.

what say you? leave comments!

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