
So You Think Coke Zero Is Healthy To Be Consumed...

I almost became a Coke Zero junkie until when I've discovered the horror behind one of the latest Coke Cola products to be newly introduced and imported to Singapore...

You see, what amazes me was the 0% nutritional table shown on the bottle. 0% calories, 0% fats, 0% sugar..etc. My sister claimed that if that's the case, isn't there no difference between the intake of water and Coke Zero? Without hesitation, I got myself a bottle of Coke Zero and it does indeed tastes like the Coke we drink, and it tastes as sweet.

It can't be, it's simply impossible for a drink to contain 0% sugar and yet taste sweet, isn't it? The drink was dubious, so I googled for information and i found out that despite the fact that there isn't any sugar content found in Coke Zero, there's APM a.k.a Aspartame. (Read the Aspartame Controversy)

If you think it's suitable for diet plans or your frequent daily consumption, READ THIS.

If you're wondering which is healthier - Coke Zero or Diet Coke? The only chemical difference between Coke Zero and Diet Coke is that Coke Zero has about half the aspartame but has more ace-k. Which IMHO, none deems to be healthy.

Confused anyone? It's a marketing thing - Coke have manufactured a "diet" coke without using the word diet... which in their eyes will appeal to a different demographic.

You might go, "Oh! I see, nah not a problem. Drinking too much doesn't kill!"

Really. When the symptoms of overdosing or diseases start kicking in, don't blame you've never been warned. You stubborn old cow.


.:JoY:. said...

All that glitters is not gold ma... lol. Nice post. Make everyone aware that 0 sugar doesn't mean better!

Anonymous said...

Good job.

Check this out...

Thanks for letting me post.