
Raffles Place Ghost!


your eyes aren't telling lies.

a few minutes ago, the news reported that a video was posted in youtube showing a circuit video of 2 men entering a lift, when they left the lift, there's a disturbing scene. yes, you're right, a ghost appeared out of no where. my sis, being a paranoia told me to watch the footage in youtube instead of the news, so i've got no choice but to drag my ass to the computer and check it out for myself.

then to my surprise the long waited 1.49mins footage played right before my eyes and i thought it was some kind of a joke. i must say, whoever did that made the video look convincing enough despite my doubt for the existence of ghosts.

and the moment of truth is...i guess i'll let the video speak for its own.

great marketing strategy.

guess after my holiday in Australia, i might take a trip down to check out this awesome HR consultancy, GMP Group. what a great, witty publicity stunt!!! me like! :)

1 comment:

Exuvalia said...

Oh shucks.
That is scary indeed.