
Ever Wonder What's The Worst Job Ever?

Have you ever wondered what is the worst job ever?

In my personal opinion, I think the worst job ever has got to be...ARMPIT SNIFFERS! Just take a look at this!

*sniff* Hmm...smells like chicken!

Deodorant companies hire professional armpit sniffers to sniff the pits just to make sure the product they sell will be a wipe out! Yikes!!! Now whenever I look at my deodorant, I will look it in a different way. :0

It's just odd to be sniffing pits of different people at the same time. I mean, it's totally different with those garbage collectors because most garbage just smell like garbage, don't they? But armpit sniffers?! God, have mercy on them!

Now, I just wonder how's the pay like. =?

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