
The Guy Who Pees On My Bed: Rudy

Introducing to y'all to the guy who pees on my bed, he's none other than my new hamster, Rudy. He bites hard (I bled thrice), moves like a ninja and pees all over the bed. Seriously, what kind of a hamster is this?! Anyway, I figured that Rudy is a total man, a total male chauvinist pig except that he is afraid of heights. *points and laugh at Rudy*

Here are edited pictures of Rudy, the porn star.

Okay, no matter what I love this fat ass cos he is so fat like me, that both our chins cannot be seen. Ha ha ha ha...if you realized that was meant to be sarcasm.

P/s: No hamsters are harmed during the process.


~*Jiamin*~ said...

HEY! your ham is cute.

Anonymous said...

Porn star?
so so.,....who is that fella's partner?

C said...

@~`jiamin*~: haha thanks babe! :) it's lazy too!

@3point8:if i tell you i'd have to kill you. ;)