
Obama FTW!

I woke up and logged into my email, surprised to see the results of the Democratoc presidential nomination because I've predicted it right! Sen Barack Obama of Illinois, 46 is the first ever nominated African American for presidential nomination !

Obama, who was oftenly teased as the Osama look-a-like (don't play play) was a first-term senator who was virtually unknown on the national stage four years ago. The inspirational speaker defeated Clinton, the former first lady and one-time campaign front-runner, in a 17-month marathon for the Democratic nomination. His victory had been widely assumed for weeks. But Clinton's declaration of interest in becoming his ticketmate was wholly unexpected. v_v

Obama's triumph was fashioned on prodigious fundraising, meticulous organizing and his theme of change aimed at an electorate opposed to the Iraq war and worried about the economy — all harnessed to his own gifts as an inspirational speaker.

Merely by surviving Super Tuesday, Obama exceeded expectations. But he did more than survive, emerging with a lead in delegates that he never relinquished, and he proceeded to run off a string of 11 straight victories.

"We came together as Democrats, as Republicans and independents, to stand up and say we are one nation, we are one people and our time for change has come," he said that night of victory in Des Moines.

Now, I really can't wait for that moment to come! Change We Can Believe In!

PS: News are partially extracted from Yahoo. To read more, go here.

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